The Day Before PMP Exam

Before the Exam Day
Before the Exam Day

Last Updated on July 9, 2022 by andrewshih


On the day before the PMP exam, I would suggest getting yourself prepared with all the logistics and itinerary for the exam day so that you feel prepared and ready for tomorrow, and not have to struggle at the last minute with added stress.

  •  Review the letter from Pearson VUE. Make sure you know what you anticipate, what is required, and what to do, and not to do.
  •  Bring a copy of the Pearson VUE letter that you are eligible for the exam.
  •  Bring your eligible ID.  Decide what ID you want to bring and if you want two eligible forms of ID just in case.  Make sure the ID is not expired.
  •  Know your exam site and arrive early.  Plan your route and use Google Maps with the optional feature to set the date and arrival time to get an idea of the average travel time so you can plan ahead of the travel time needed to get to the exam site.
  •  A good night sleep and a healthy breakfast on the exam date.

If you are still stressed and worried about the exam, I would suggest:

  • You can meditate, exercise, or do whatever makes you feel relaxed and don’t put extra stress on you.  Personally, I would not take a full practice exam at this point and feel stressed about the score.  However, it’s fine to review key concepts, study notes, weakness areas, or questions you got wrong before.  By feeling more comfortable with your weak areas, it will help with building your confidence before the exam.
  • At this point, it is more effective and important to prepare mind and body to be in top shape for the exam tomorrow, rather than continue to feel worried and stressed by the exam.

To prepare yourself, check out what you should expect on the day of the PMP exam.

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