Free PMP ITTO Game


Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by andrewshih

About the Free PMP ITTO Game

This free Input, Tools & Technique, Output (ITTO) game aims to help project management aspirants prepare for the CAPM and PMP certification.

While PMP and CAPM do not directly test your ability to recall ITTO for a process on the exam, it is still helpful to strengthen your ITTO knowledge to understand how the processes interconnect. This game may be helpful to spot-check your ITTO readiness after completing each process area.

The PMP ITTO game serves as a quiz to help you review and check your ITTO knowledge quickly and easily. You will get a report with questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to help you spot your strength and weakness.

If you just want to study ITTO and are not ready for the quiz, you can use this new ITTO review tool and then come back and quiz your knowledge.

How to play the free ITTO game

  1. The player picks the knowledge areas, ITTO, and game mode you want to play, then start the game.
  2. The player tries to select the correct answer choice(s) and uses the navigations (Back and Next) to get to the previous and subsequent questions. The player can also use ANSWER to check the answer to the current question. 
  3. To stop or finish the game, click the STOP or FINISH button.
  4. The game will display the final result and the player’s score at the end.

While the quiz questions may appear static, the answer choices are randomly positioned with randomly generated wrong answer choices. 

Therefore, each time you play the game is not exactly alike, even when you choose to play the same game options the next time.

ITTO Game Modes

There are three different game modes.

Group Mode

The group mode will display the full list of input, tools, or output for the process you are playing. One of the 4 lists is the correct answer, while the remaining 3 choices are wrong and randomly generated. You will need to pick the correct list.

Exception Mode

Most of the questions will ask you to pick one item that does NOT belong to the process out of the 4 choices. 

If the process only has one or two items, generating the “exception” question is impossible. In this case, the question shows one correct choice and will ask you to pick the correct item belonging to the process. The incorrect choice(s) are randomly generated.

Multi-selection Mode

Most (if not all) of the questions will ask you to pick 2 to 3 correct choices. The player must pick all the choices correctly to earn the point. The wrong answers are randomly generated. This is likely the hardest mode.

Disclaimers and a Few Final Words

A few final words before playing this free ITTO game.

  • Please note that this game is not designed to mimic real exam questions. It should only be used to supplement your ITTO study and preparation.
  • You should use the official PMBOK guide as your ITTO reference. This game doesn’t cover all the details.
  • If you have new PMP game ideas or want to report any issues, please use the contact form.
  • If you are willing to support and help us upkeep and develop new free PMP games, please consider donating to our Coffee Fund.